Why I Hate Global Warming (by Karin Lauria)

In honor of Blog Action Day, I’m starting a list of the things I hate about global warming (besides the fact that it threatens most life on this planet). I’ll add more as I think of them.

Things I hate about global warming:

  • Mowing my lawn later into the year
  • Finding ticks on my dogs in December
  • 90 degree days in October
  • The possibility that one day, I’ll be able to see the ocean from my front steps (I’m 30 miles from the coast)
  • The possibility that my insurance company will one day cancel my homeowner’s policy (see above bullet and this article from the New York Times)
  • Daffodils done blooming by February
  • Mom reminiscing about the old days when it snowed (I mean really snowed)
  • Less need for heavy sweaters
  • Bickering over how much of it is human caused, as if there are no moral reasons for caring about animals and nature
  • People who say “It’s nothing that science can’t find the solution for!”
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